Our Plants
These are some of the plants we grow and please contact us for a current availability list. We provide weekly availability plant lists directly to your inbox, or through our website – please register online to join our extensive customer list.
The gerbera is an ornamental plant from the sunflower family (Asteraceae). Native to Southern Africa, the gerbera ranks as the fifth most popular flower in the world. Not only does it attract bees, butterflies and birds - it is also one of the best houseplants to remove common airborne pollutants.
A hardy perennial garden gerbera, providing a prolific display of colour nearly all year round here in SE Qld. This is a stunning addition to your garden or patio.
Zinnia just loves the warm sunny days of summer. They require a full-sun position and warm, humus-rich soil. To promote more flowering, keep cutting the blooms.
Attractive, slower-growing perennial. Grown for its extraordinary deep purple foliage. Best grown in well- lit shady positions for optimal leaf colour and growth. Low maintenance, drought tolerant once established.
Stocks, are an easy to grow annual plant, highly suited to the cooler months in South East QLD. Famous for its sweet subtle scent. Plant in full sun, protected from the wind, will tolerate part shade and light frosts.
Grown for their scented foliage, these evergreen shrubs need good drainage and will grow in full sun to part shade. Flowers appear in spring and summer.
A hardy compact plant with beautiful grey-green foliage. An upright, bushy plant producing stunning flowers, very striking in mass plantings. Prefer full sun, but can also look stunning in pots in part shade. Attracts bees and butterflies.
The fruit of ornamental chillies provide a stunning display of vibrant colour throughout the warmer months of the year. They enjoy a full sun position with a well drained soil.
True roses that have been selectively bred to stay small in size. They grow moderately quickly and work well in a border or as garden edging. They're also especially nice as specimen plants in containers, where they can be appreciated at eye level.
Attractive evergreen shrub with silvery foliage and stunning lilac flowers. Prefers a sunny position with minimal water requirements. Grows to approximately 1 – 2 m high.
Ornamental kale plants are coloured in red, pink, purple, or white and grow in winter with minimal care. They were developed for their spectacular colours and are not edible. Their colour is all in their extravagantly ruffled leaves.
An Australian native that thrives in our hot dry conditions. Silvery green foliage, accompanied by pink feathery flowers, will last for long periods in the garden or in a pot. Joey ptilotus attracts bees and butterflies, and thrives in full sun with well-drained soil.
A classic favourite to adorn any part of your outdoor living area or garden. With eye-catching, long-lasting deep red flowers, it looks fabulous in pots or in the garden. They need regular watering when young, then become highly drought tolerant once established.
A perennial, water-wise plant that thrives in hot, dry conditions. They love full sun, good drainage and a thorough trim after flowering. Once established they become self- reliant. Flowers from early summer through to early autumn.
Fuchsias love lots of filtered light but are particularly intolerant of heat, making them the perfect winter flowering plant.
This very cute sub-shrub is an iconic symbol of the Mediterranean. Traditionally used to perfume bath water and clothes, lavender today serves to beautify our rock beds, flower beds and gardens. It is also used to elaborate perfume and essential oils.
A hugely popular low-growing perennial with a mass of colourful flowers during summer. Easy to grow and very low maintenance. Suitable for containers and garden beds, it is a lover of full sun and tolerates our Qld climate with ease.
Dahlias are a beautiful addition to any garden either in pots or in the garden. With large colourful flowers and lush green leaves they provide a stunning display all year round.
Coreopsis are a low maintenance plant with a mass of daisy like flowers throughout the year. They prefer a full sun position with regular watering.
With vibrant colourful foliage, these plants can be grown in containers or in the ground to create a stunning visual effect. They prefer a full sun to semi-shaded position, and respond well to regular feeding and watering with good drainage.
A compact perennial shrub with spectacular dusted silvery grey foliage. These plants create a beautiful contrast in garden design.
Calibrachoa comes in a variety of flower colours that grow at an amazing rate. These extremely vigorous plants make for colourful addition to any collection of containers or hanging baskets, along walkways, and on garden walls.
An eye-catching, Australian native ground cover that will spread rapidly. A member of the carnation family (Caryophyllaceae), they have delicate flowers and soft aromatic foliage, but are also quite hardy and will survive well in the Qld sun when kept moist.
Angelonia can be a spectacular addition for continuous colour in any garden. A tough perennial, Angelonia stands up against summer's heat and humidity with no problem, making it a hearty and colourful addition to any sunny spot in the garden.
African Daisy is a member of the sunflower family. They look a lot like common daisies, with petals radiating around a centre disk
This fast-growing perennial is making a popular comeback as a beautifully performing indoor plant. Small, star-shaped white flowers form at the end of a long stem. Especially well-suited to hanging baskets to adorn well-lit bathrooms and patios.
A vigorous, prostrate, evergreen perennial that produces bright yellow flowers in summer. Suitable for hanging baskets in a well- lit indoor area, or as a groundcover outdoors in partial shade. Can withstand damper soils than many other types of groundcovers.
Hedera, commonly called ivy, is a genus of evergreen climbing or ground-creeping woody plants. The Ivy Hedera works well in hanging baskets, or as a regularly-clipped topiary.
A hardy perennial compact plant with a spreading habit. It produces a wonderful mass of silvery grey leaves that provide a useful contrast in the garden. Prefers full sun in a well- drained soil.
Hardy, sun-loving ground cover with colourful, cheery flowers. Tolerant to drought, pollution, salt and frost. Loves full sun and well-drained soil. Water occasionally during dry spells. Flowers do close at night.
Ground Cover
This popular houseplant comes in a variety of foliage colours and patterns. It can be trimmed and kept compact, allowed to trail from hanging baskets, or trained up vertical supports. It is easy to grow and prefers bright indirect light.
The piper plant is a vine from the pepper family native to South east Asia. It is a low maintenance plant that enjoys a shaded position and makes a lovely indoor plant with lush green heart shaped leaves.
Peperomias vary considerably in appearance and most peperomia species are compact and usually do not exceed 30 cm in height. They are adapted to living in small shady crevices on, for example, trees, with small root systems.
This plant carries tiny silvery inflorescences at the tips of its stems, giving the appearance of a dense bouquet of optical fibers. The thin, strongly-arching, grass-like stems make this an impressive and eye-catching contemporary indoor plant. Fairy lights like a well-lit position, fresh air and lots of moisture. These perennial and evergreen plants need constantly moist soil to remain healthy and thriving.
A hardy and drought-tolerant contemporary plant that is growing in popularity. Happy to grow indoors or outdoors in part shade. These plants looks stunning when mass-planted in pots, and continue to thrive even when you neglect them. Keep soil drier during the winter months.
An excellent choice for winter colour, masses of stunning, unusually shaped large flowers, ranging from white to pinks, apricot and reds.
Pigface is a flowering succulent that is native in coastal areas on sand dunes in NSW and Queensland. Pigface is generally a summer-spring growing plant and has a variety of flower colours and sizes.
The Mezoo is a plant that will grow in just about any sunny location. It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and displays excellent drought tolerance. The attractive succulent foliage is wonderful cascading over a wall, draping from a mixed container planting, or carpeting a garden bed.
Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant that is cultivated in subtropical regions around the world and has a range of medicinal uses. An evergreen perennial that grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates.
Where to buy our plants
We supply plants to retail outlets throughout Queensland and New South Wales. Contact us to find your nearest garden center or nursery.